Dr. Zhinan Wang,
Harbin Engineering University, China
Belt and Road’ modelling and simulation cases under Business statistics course framework
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a massive development plan in scale and scope. It aims at facilitating China’s connectivity with the rest of the world through trade, investment, and infrastructure projects. Therefore, understanding the human and social dynamics and socio-behavioral tendencies through Belt and Road development, and quantifying, and mapping the spatial-temporal distribution of environmental vulnerability caused by natural and man-made impacts are needed for understanding environmental protection and Road restoration issues. Understanding the trends in ecological, cultural and behavioural evolution and their driving factors is critical to revealing changes in ecosystem’s structure and function. However, less is known about the nonlinear relationship between greening trends and statistical instrumentation.
Thus, we want to share with you HEU experience concerning new Business Statistics course implementation. In the example of a practical case concerning Belt and Road initiative development, we show for students modeling processes, the students should learn how to calculate probability and its distributions and understand their implementations. On the example of Belt and Road cases, we show the students the essential concepts of Business Statistics course, and some techniques of descriptive statistics. We focus on organizing data by visualization and analyzing data by some numerical measurements. After learning descriptive statistics, the students guided to a miraculous probability and sampling world. They are the foundation of statistical inference. We will begin with the historic outlook of probability to help us remember the probability theory. We also learn sampling to collect data and the theorems of sampling distribution. After that we finally come to the inferential statistics. Parameter estimation and hypothesis testing are the primary knowledge that we will mainly discuss. Students master how to use the sample data to estimate or to test the population with the desired reliability.